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Ext. 214
Customs & International Trade.
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Juan José has experience in customs and foreign exchange matters since 2019. As a member of the Customs & Tax group, he has participated in matters of free trade zone structuring for clients such as Talasa, Globant, Reficar, among others. Additionally, he has been a collaborator in customs and foreign exchange advisories for clients such as IGT, Esenttia, Yanbal, among others. In litigation matters he has accompanied procedures that have been conducted both in administrative and judicial stages, for clients such as Interllantas, General Motors, among others.


    Posgraduate degree in International Business Law, Universidad de Los Andes, 2022.
    Law, Universidad de los Andes, 2020.





    Associate, Gómez-Pinzón, since 2024.
    Junior Associate, Gómez-Pinzón, 2020-2024.