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These are the companies whose sanctions have recently been canceled by the different competition authorities in the world:

The Spanish National Court annulled a € 57 million sanction imposed by the National Competition Commission on 18 companies in the corrugated paper and cardboard manufacturing sectors for having incurred in pricing and customer distribution, as the investigation expired for five days, since the legislation contemplates that a sanctioning pronouncement must be issued within the 18 months that the procedure lasts.

Among those initially sanctioned are: Cartonajes La Plana, Cartonajes Europa, Rafael Hinojosa and Industrial Supplies of Carton and Containers.

The Spanish Supreme Court, specifically the III Administrative Litigation Chamber, confirmed the decision issued in September 2018, by which the sanction of € 120 million is annulled, in total for the Movistar , Vodafone and Orange , for abuse of a dominant position in December 2012 that consisted of an excessive charge for messages such as SMS and MMS, since they are free today , even among all operators.

However, the Supreme Court confirmed the decision that annulled said sanction, considering that “(…) the data and reports on which the administrative resolution is based are insufficient , as well as ‘inconsistent with other data and reports, and is based on unverified appraisals with objective data (…) ” .

To read the main sanctions issued by the competition authorities, click here .