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Concession Metro Ligero de la Calle 80 Medellín

Date: 2022 Gómez-Pinzón advised CRRC (HONG KONG) CO. LIMITED and MOTA-ENGIL ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUCAO S.A. in the award by Metro de Medellín -public company and transport authority of Medellín- of the EPC contract for the studies and designs, the construction guarantee...

Acquisition of Concesion Costera by Grupo ISA

Date: 2019 Advisors to Constructora Colpatria as one of the sellers of 100% of the shares in the Concesión Costera Cartagena - Barranquilla to Interconexión Eléctrica - ISA. Team: Paola Andrea Larrahondo Cuesta (Partner) Juan Antonio Ucrós Pinzón (Senior Associate)...

Structuring and subsequent sale of Special Purpose Vehicles that develop renewable energy projects for Sunco Capital and Orinoco Energy.

Date: Ongoing

The firm advised Sunco Capital, one of Spain´s leading solar developers (1238 MWPp´s in Spain and 480 MWp´s in Colombia), and its affiliate Orinoco, on the structuring and subsequent sale of several Special Purpose Vehicles that develop renewable energy projects in Colombia, including carrying out a legal and regulatory due diligence and support in the closing of the Share Purchase Agreements. In addition, we advise them on all Colombian matters including obtention of environmental licences, interconnection points and interconnection agreements, transportation capacity, real estate matters, litigation etc.


Patricia Arrázola-Bustillo (Partner)

Practice Groups:

Energy & Natural Resources


Energy and natural resources