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Dear clients and suppliers:

Considering the situation that the COVID-19 has generated world-wide, and committed as citizens with the preventive measures to protect the health of our collaborators, clients, and suppliers, we have taken the following actions that will allow us to keep working with the same quality and opportunity while offering the best service:

Support through virtual channels

• In Gómez-Pinzón we have the technological tools necessary to operate remotely and assist our clients and suppliers through virtual platforms. For this reason, as of Tuesday, March 17, our offices from Bogotá and Medellín will operate remotely.
• Accordingly, all meetings will be held through video calls or telephone conferences so that their development is not hindered.
• Our Technology and Information Department is prepared to provide support whenever needed and will be
available to communicate with the respective areas to ensure that there are no inconveniences at the moment of connecting the calls.
• In the same manner, our telephone assistance will keep functioning. Our PBX +57 1 3192900 will continue
to be active during business hours, and all lawyers will be available to answer their cellphones.

Signatures, procedures, and documents that require physical presence

• In case of requiring carrying out in-person meetings to get signatures, or to conduct any procedure or activity, the required team will attend the meeting without any inconveniences and taking the necessary
precautions regarding hygiene and healthcare.
• To file documents or essential procedures, we will have minimal support staff operating in our offices.

Permanent information

• Through our Newsletters GPA and the webpage (, we will keep you informed regarding any legal decisions that may impact your business. Our commitment is also with informing our clients, employees, and suppliers of the actions that the local and national government implements to contain the COVID-19 virus.

We are committed to providing the highest-level service to our clients and to ensure that our operations are not affected. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through any of our support channels:

PBX: 57 1 3192900


José Luis Suárez-Parra
Managing Partner