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Tax proceeding from Bavaria relating to equity tax

Tax proceeding from Bavaria relating to equity tax Date: 2019   Advisors to Bavaria regarding a tax proceeding on equity tax and legal stability contracts between 2011 and 2019. Approximate amount USD $128 million.   Team: Álvaro Andrés Díaz Palacios (Partner)...

SABMiller – Bavaria Merger

SABMiller – Bavaria Merger Date: 2005   Served as local legal counsel to the Santo Domingo Group on the merger between SABMiller PLC and Bavaria S.A, through which SABMiller PLC obtained a controlling interest in Bavaria S.A.  This has been the largest MandA...

Corporate reorganization of Bavaria

Corporate reorganization of Bavaria Date: 2018 Advisors in the reorganization of Bavaria’s shareholding composition, including tax planning and business transformation matters. Team: Lina Uribe García (Partner) Juan David Quintero Sánchez (Partner) Mauricio...