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Engagement/hiring structure for Marriott

Engagement/hiring structure for Marriott Date: 2019   Advised Marriott International Inc on the creation and negotiation of the legal structure for engagement procedures within its hotels and apartments in Playa Dormida.   Team: Lina Uribe García (Partner) Mauricio...

Labor negotiation for Agropecuaria Achury

Labor negotiation for Agropecuaria Achury Date: 2018   Gómez-Pinzón advised Agropecuaria Achury in the negotiation with the Ministry of Labor of a settlement agreement that involved 41 employees under reinforced labor stability and a company owned by the employer,...

Labor advice to STI

Labor advice to STI Date: 2018 Gómez-Pinzón advised Soluciones en Telecomunicaciones e Informática in a process before the Pension and Voluntary Contributions Management Unit (Unidad de Gestión Pensional y Parafiscales – UGPP), and obtained the reduction of a...

Labor advice to PriceSmart

Labor advice to PriceSmart Date: 2018 Gómez-Pinzón advised PriceSmart Colombia (as the joint and severally liable party) in a process initiated by an employee from Constructora Rumie S.A.S. who alleged liability in an occupational accident, claiming the total...