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Labor advice to Congelagro

Labor advice to Congelagro Date: 2019   Labor advice on the payment of an obligation from Congelados Agrícolas S.A. before the Pension and Voluntary Contributions Management Unit (Unidad de Gestión Pensional y Parafiscales – UGPP).   Team: Mauricio Montealegre...

Retirement plan from CODAD

Retirement plan from CODAD Date: 2018 Advice on the creation of the retirement plan for approximately 150 employees of Compañía de Desarrollo Aeropuerto el Dorado (CODAD), before the closing of the operation. All the employees accepted the plan and the closing of the...

Labor advice to Unísono

Labor advice to Unísono Date: Ongoing   Permanent advice on labor matters to Estrategias Contact Center (Unísono), a multinational call center group.     Team: Mauricio Montealegre León (Director)   Practice Groups: Labor.   Industry: Professional services...

Labor advice to CMPC

Labor advice to CMPC Date: 2018 Advised CPMC in labor defense proceedings involving Drypers Andina S.A. and Protisa Colombia S.A., reaching an agreement between the parties and releasing the clients of all liability. Practice Groups: Labor. Industry: Manufacturing...