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Franchise system structuring for Prosalon

Franchise system structuring for Prosalon Date: Ongoing Gómez-Pinzón advised PROSALON DISTRIBUCIONES S.A.S. (dba Cromantic – Blind) on the process of structuring its franchise system in Colombia and worldwide. For this purpose, Gómez-Pinzón created and developed...

Purchase of infrastructure assets by Macquarie

Purchase of infrastructure assets by Macquarie Date: 2019   Advisors during the purchase of five infrastructure assets (airports and 3G and 4G road concessions) including due diligence, structuring and drawing of corporate (SHA, SPA, etc.) and administrative law...

First PPP project in Ecuador

First PPP project in Ecuador Date: Ongoing Permanent advice to CONSUR R7H S.A., the concessionaire of Ecuador’s first PPP project. Provided assistance concerning the Ministry of Transport and Public Works and in general, in all issues relating to the performance...

Public tender of the project Regiotram de Occidente

Public tender of the project Regiotram de Occidente Date: 2019 Advisors to Graña y Montero in the public bid for the railway project Regiotram de Occidente, as the subcontractor of OandM. Team: Paola Andrea Larrahondo Cuesta (Partner) Practice Groups: Infrastructure....