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Real Estate/ Urban

Real Estate/ Urban The urban curatorship of Bogotá suspended the terms for applications for urban planning licenses 27/03/2020 In accordance with what is ordered by the Superintendency of Notaries and Registration through Circular number 325 of March 24, 2020, the...

Technology/ Communications/ Data Protection

Technology/ Communications/ Data Protection The Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (the “SIC”) forbade the use of digital or manual fingerprints for personal data processing under Covid 27/03/2020 The SIC issued Circular 002 of 2020, whereby it ordered...

Health Registrations

Health Registrations INVIMA provides new virtual of attention channels since COVID-19 27/03/2020 Starting Monday, March 30, INVIMA’S Citizen Attention Office, will not be receiving procedures in person unless it is strictly necessary. However, the guidelines for in...


Migration Resolution 0918 of 2020 of Migración Colombia 24/03/2020 Through Resolution 0918 of 2020, Migración Colombia has adopted the following prevention measures against the spread of COVID-19:  Suspension of the validity terms of the immigration safe-conduct...


Customs Emergency policies for the provision of services by the DIAN 31/03/2020 By means of the Resolution 0030 of March 29, 2020, DIAN establishes emergency policies for the provision of services by the agency. Specifically, the following decisions are adopted: ...