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As of September 25, on the occasion of the issuance of External Resolution No. 24 of 2020 , of the Board of Directors of the Banco de la República (BR ), External Resolution No. 1 of 2018 is modified (Resolution 1) in the following aspects:

1. The BR may carry out operations for the purchase or sale of foreign currency, in cash and in the future, with the central counterparty risk chambers (CRCC) to intervene in the exchange market in order to regulate the liquidity of the financial market and the normal operation of internal and external payments of the economy, among other purposes described in article 2 of Resolution 1.

2. Banking establishments, financial corporations, financing companies, financial cooperatives, the FDN and Bancoldex, with technical equity equal to or greater than the minimum capital that must be accredited for the constitution of a financial corporation may obtain stipulated financing in foreign currency to carry out operations in their capacity as local liquidity providers in foreign currency with the CRCC, in accordance with the operating regulations of the respective CRCC. </ span >

3. FINDETER, FINAGRO, ICETEX, ENTerritorio and the FNA may obtain stipulated financing in foreign currency to carry out operations in their capacity as local liquidity providers in foreign currency with the CRCC, in accordance with the operating regulations of the respective CRCC.

4. It should be clarified that the operations through which the exchange market intermediaries (IMC) mentioned in numerals 2 and 3 obtain financing to carry out the operations described with the CRCC, will not be subject to the constitution of the deposit referred to in article 47 of Resolution 1.

5. Foreign exchange operations carried out by IMCs, in their capacity as local liquidity providers of legal or foreign currency, with the CRCC will not be part of the calculation of the gross leverage position ( as described above).