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Tax counsel to Avianca

Tax counsel to Avianca Date: 2019   Advisors to Aerovias del Continente Americano (Avianca) in several litigations related to wealth tax and legal stability contracts between 2015 and 2019.   Team: Álvaro Andrés Díaz Palacios (Partner) Carolina Bobillier Ceballos...

Tax proceeding from Previsora Seguros

Tax proceeding from Previsora Seguros Date: 2019   Advisors to Previsora Seguros in the litigation related to the statute of limitations on the collection of tax debts in which the Company is a guarantor. The Tax Authority revoked the actions.   Team: Álvaro Andrés...

Tax proceeding from Bavaria relating to equity tax

Tax proceeding from Bavaria relating to equity tax Date: 2019   Advisors to Bavaria regarding a tax proceeding on equity tax and legal stability contracts between 2011 and 2019. Approximate amount USD $128 million.   Team: Álvaro Andrés Díaz Palacios (Partner)...

EBX Corporate matters

EBX Corporate matters Date: 2015 Local advisors to EBX on corporate matters, energy and natural resources and tax issues relating to: Acquisition of Ventana Gold Corp and reorganization of the parent companies in Canada. Sale of the company AUX to Mubadala Investment...