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By publishing Draft Resolution 080 of 2020 the Energy and Gas Regulation Commission (CREG) orders the publication of a draft resolution by which measures are adopted to ensure supplying the energy demand in the summer 2020-2021.

Taking into account the El Niño phenomenon of 2009-2010, CREG considered it necessary to define the rules on the operation of the National Interconnected System (SIN) and the operation of the Wholesale Energy Market < / strong> under risk conditions of power shortage. These considerations were adopted in Resolutions CREG 026 and CREG 155 of 2014 where it is established that the energy variables of the market must be monitored and, based on alert levels, a mechanism must be activated to ensure the sustainability and reliability of the system.

The monitoring determined that the reservoirs that are part of the SIN, as well as the water levels, are at historic lows. Under current operating conditions, the amount of water necessary for this time of year is not being stored, as the necessary levels of impoundment must be reached to guarantee the reliability of the system in the summer of 2020-2021. Additionally, IDEAM indicated that there is the possibility of drought conditions for the summer 2020-2021, so it could be in a risk situation. In turn, the thermal generators have stated that they are fully available to support the reliability of the system.

In this sense, CREG considered it necessary to adopt preventive and transitory measures to avoid affecting the economic reactivation and the continuous supply and quality of the public electricity service. For this reason, it was determined necessary to apply the mechanism for the maintenance of reliability provided for in CREG Resolution 026 of 2014 , with adjustments mainly related to the definition of the amounts of water to be stored in reservoirs and the period during which this measure will be implemented. The mechanism provided by the draft Resolution 080 of 2020 consists of establishing alert levels for monitoring the system, made up of the indices of article 2 of Resolution 026 of 2014 . Likewise, during the period of risk of shortages, the rules of Article 7 of Resolution 026 of 2014 for the sale and reservoir of energy will be applied. Finally, the mechanism must follow the implementation procedures set forth in Resolution 155 of 2014 and will be in force once it is published in the Official Gazette and until December 31, 2020.