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Concession Metro Ligero de la Calle 80 Medellín

Date: 2022 Gómez-Pinzón advised CRRC (HONG KONG) CO. LIMITED and MOTA-ENGIL ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUCAO S.A. in the award by Metro de Medellín -public company and transport authority of Medellín- of the EPC contract for the studies and designs, the construction guarantee...

Acquisition of Concesion Costera by Grupo ISA

Date: 2019 Advisors to Constructora Colpatria as one of the sellers of 100% of the shares in the Concesión Costera Cartagena - Barranquilla to Interconexión Eléctrica - ISA. Team: Paola Andrea Larrahondo Cuesta (Partner) Juan Antonio Ucrós Pinzón (Senior Associate)...

Joint venture Promical – Procecal

Date: 2018


Gómez-Pinzón served as legal counsel to Procecal S.A.S. in the structuring and negotiation of a joint venture with Promical S.A.. Such structure was based on the incorporation of a joint venture named Rio Cal S.A.S., a company whose principal business is to serve the lime market in Colombia and which combines the traditions and the dedicated employees of ProMical S.A., with over 50 years’ experience, and of Procecal S.A.S,. with over 20 years’ experience. Procecal S.A.S. is part of the Carmeuse Group, which has operations in other regions of the world. It is involved in lime production, processing and distribution. This transaction also involved the negotiation of ancillary agreements between the Parties such as Shareholders’ Agreements, Operation Agreement, Stone Supply Agreement, and Non-Compete Agreement, among others. Finally, it is important to highlight that this deal was subject to a prior antitrust verification process by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia



Lina Uribe García (Partner)


Practice Groups:

Mergers & Acquisitions.



Real estate and construction

Transport and logistics
