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By means of Decree No. 221 of 2020 1 , the District Administration established the last regulation corresponding to the requirement of the percentages, conditions and incentives regarding land destined for the construction of housing in social and priority interest, applicable in Bogotá DC

Below, you will find the most relevant aspects to take into account for the fulfillment of said obligation:

  • The VIP and VIS obligation is only enforceable for residential, commercial and service uses, classified in urban development and renewal treatments in the redevelopment and reactivation modality.
  • For the southern and western expansion soils of the city, the percentage established in the POT of Bogotá DC is maintained, that is, 30% in VIP or 50% in subsidizable VIS, however, it is possible to apply the incentives of the Decree, which differentiates it from the norm contained in Decree 553 of 2018.
  • The percentages of VIP and VIS established will not be applicable to the lands delimited by the Zonal Zonal Plans of the North – “Ciudad Lagos de Torca”, and Usme.
  • The obligation of VIP and VIS may be fulfilled in the same project, in another area by transfer, or by compensation.
  • Faced with the conditions for compliance with the obligation and incentives, the following was established:

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Fulfillment of the VIP obligation Compliance with the VIS obligation
Development treatment Urban renewal treatment – redevelopment
  • 20% of the useful land of the Partial Plan or urban project;
  • The provision of useful land that will be used for the development of this type of housing;
  • The execution of the urbanization works of the projects where such soils are located and,
  • The construction of a building area of ​​the VIP, whose Construction Index corresponds to a minimum of 1.1 on the Net Building Area of ​​the area subject to the obligation.
  • 20% of the useful land of the partial plan. The obligation shall be understood to have been fulfilled when 20% of the useful area or at least 10% of the total built area of ​​the general project is allocated.
In projects by stages, the following must be guaranteed: (i) for each one of them the autonomous fulfillment of the VIP percentage or, (ii) in a single stage the entire obligation
  • For its part, Decree 221 of 2020 introduced changes with respect to the previous regime, in relation to incentives for the construction of VIP / VIS real estate products. The most relevant aspects are described below:
Incentives for the provision of useful, urbanized land and the effective construction of VIS and VIP in development treatment
  • Built area on VIP obligation land. 100% of the VIP constructed m2 corresponding to the fulfillment of the obligation, whose I.C. must correspond to at least 1.1, they will be discounted from the total built area of ​​the urban project.
  • Built Area for VIP in addition to compliance with the Obligation. 100% of the m2 built for VIP will be deducted from the total m2 of the general project, for the calculation of general loads for greater buildability and for the maximum construction index of the same, up to 25% of the square meters of the construction index of the urban project, calculated before incentive.
Built Area for VIS.

  • The percentages of built m2 of VIS will be discounted from the total built area of ​​the urban project for the calculation of general loads and for the maximum construction index, according to the percentages provided.
  • You can only opt for these incentives when, in addition to the VIP obligation, the VIS is developed in the same project.

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  • To access the incentives, a habitability standard is established that corresponds to a minimum of 42 m2 of total built area per VIP or VIS unit.
  • In order to access the incentives, the VIP of the urban project or the corresponding urban planning stage, must be built first or simultaneously with the other real estate products of the project.
  • When combined within the same building VIP and VIS with other different products, the calculation of private communal equipment and parking will be developed independently for each use.


Incentives for the provision of useful, urbanized land and the effective construction of VIS and VIP in urban renewal treatment in the redevelopment modality < / td>
Area Built for VIP.

  • 100% of the square meters built for VIP, up to 110 SMMLV, will be discounted from the total built area of ​​the partial plan project, within the distribution of loads and benefits.
  • You can only opt for the incentives when the VIP is developed in the same project.
Built Area on VIS Obligation Land.

  • The percentages of built m2 of VIS corresponding to compliance with the obligation, will be discounted from the total built area of ​​the urban project according to the percentages of built area, in accordance with the percentages provided. </ li >
To access the incentives, a standard of habitability is established that corresponds to a minimum of 42 m2 of total built area per VIP or VIS unit.


Incentives for the provision of useful, urbanized land and the effective construction of VIS in urban renewal treatment in the reactivation mode
Built Area for VIS

  • In urban renewal projects in the reactivation mode that contemplate compensatory payment for additional buildable area, the discount of the compensatory payment will be allowed according to the percentage of built area.
  • In order to access the incentives, a habitability standard is established that corresponds to a minimum of 42 m2 of total built area per VIS unit.
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1 By means of which the minimum percentages of land intended for the construction of low-income housing (VIS) and priority housing (VIP) are established, the conditions and incentives for compliance, in the development of the article 75 of District Agreement 761 of 2020 ´Through which the economic, social and environmental development Plan is adopted and public works of the Capital District 2020-2024 “A new social and environmental contract for the Bogotá of the XXI century ‘and other provisions are adopted”