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As of February 20, 2020 the new platform through which Antioquia businessmen will be available at the Medellín Chamber of Commerce for Antioquia they can more easily process the Unique Bidder Registry (RUP) , essential for participation in public procurement processes.

The main new features are:

  • The certification models may be signed by the legal representative digitally with a personal key ; This password is the same one used for the renewal of the commercial registration or the Non-Profit Entities (ESAL) registry.
  • Fiscal auditors and accountants will also be able to access with their personal password to digitally sign the certification models that are required. A single personal password can be used by the accountant or tax auditor for all the companies in which he performs this work.
  • The application will allow that, when entering information to the RUES form, this is simultaneously reflected in the certification models. The user will not have to replicate the information in the forms in the certification models.
  • The procedure is 100% virtual , so that the holders of the signatures do not need to go to the box office of the Chamber of Commerce. Payment will be made via credit card or PSE.
  • The additional documents that support the enabling requirements of the RUP (Financial Statements, experience certificates, contracts and certificates of liquidation, among others).

It is recommended to renew the commercial registration or ESAL registration prior to updating the RUP, since in case of inconsistencies between the RUP and the other registries, the procedure will be returned.

It is important to remember that the RUP must be updated no later than April 7, 2020 and must be firm prior to the submission of the offer in the selection processes. In this sense, at Gómez-Pinzón Abogados we are at the disposal of our clients to accompany them in the issuance and / or updating of this registry, as well as to advise them on procedures, authorizations and procedures of public law -administrative, including public selection processes such as prequalifications, bids and merit contests.