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Ext. 633
Customs & International Trade. 
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Yamile has more than 19 years of experience in foreign trade, public and private sectors. She have extensive knowledge in customs legislation, trade agreements, tariff classification, procedures before control authorities to request authorizations as an Authorized Economic Operator and International Commercial Companies, I know the Free Regime, Vallejo Plan, export and import logistics operations through ports and airports, cost analysis and the necessary process to be able to export and import, this includes permits from control authorities, strategic organization and planning of foreign trade operations. She also have knowledge of the exchange regime and the management of clearing accounts. Customs and exchange sanctioning regime. Yamile have worked with companies in many sectors, such as perishables and industrial products, but I consider myself an expert in bananas, coffee, fresh fruits, processed and frozen foods, clothing, footwear, oils, coal and gold. She is an expert in international supply chain risk management.


    Master in International Taxation, Foreign, Trade and Customs, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2020.


    Customs Law Specialist, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2006.


    Economy, Universidad La Salle, 2002.





    Senior Associate, Gómez-Pinzón, since 2024.


    Foreign Trade Consultant, Autorized Economic Operator and Risks, Independent, 2023 – 2024.


    Manager, MAUNAZ SAS, 2018 – 2023.


    Head of Customs Operations Division / Customs Investigations Group Auditor, DIAN, 2004- 2016.



    Member of IBA (International Bar Association).





    Transport and logistics




    Consumer Goods


    Energy and natural resources