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Ext. 603
Litigation & Conflict Resolution.
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Mario has experience in litigation and dispute resolution. His practice has been mainly focused on judicial proceedings before the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction and Arbitration Courts (national and international) with state parties or involving public resources. In his professional practice he has participated in the counseling and resolution of controversies in the Oil & Gas sectors in the production chain, transportation and refining of hydrocarbons (upstream, downstream and midstream), infrastructure and construction, particularly road and airport concessions, as well as in telecommunications regulation. He also has experience in disciplinary and fiscal responsibility processes.


    Master’s Degree in Arbitration: National, International and Investment Arbitration, Universidad del Rosario, in progress.
    Summer Program in International Commercial Arbitration, Washington College of Law of American University, 2021.
    Master’s degree in administrative law, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2020.
    Specialization in Administrative Law, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2017.
    Law, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2015.





    Associate, Gómez-Pinzón, since 2023.
    Lawyer, Medellín & Durán Abogados, 2015 – 2023.
    Ad Honorem Legal Assistant, Office of the Attorney General of Colombia, 2014 – 2015.