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Concession Metro Ligero de la Calle 80 Medellín

Date: 2022 Gómez-Pinzón advised CRRC (HONG KONG) CO. LIMITED and MOTA-ENGIL ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUCAO S.A. in the award by Metro de Medellín -public company and transport authority of Medellín- of the EPC contract for the studies and designs, the construction guarantee...

Acquisition of Concesion Costera by Grupo ISA

Date: 2019 Advisors to Constructora Colpatria as one of the sellers of 100% of the shares in the Concesión Costera Cartagena - Barranquilla to Interconexión Eléctrica - ISA. Team: Paola Andrea Larrahondo Cuesta (Partner) Juan Antonio Ucrós Pinzón (Senior Associate)...

Cemex Latam Holdings delisting tender offer

Date: 2023

We acted as counsel to CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. and also to CEMEX España, S.A. in the delisting tender offer launched by CEMEX España for the ordinary shares of CEMEX Latam Holdings, S.A. (“CLH”) a Spanish domiciled company listed in the Colombian stock exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Colombia).

The offering purchase price per ordinary share was COP$4,735 (aprox. USD$ 0.99), as determined by and independent appraiser and CEMEX España acquired a total of 23,232,946 ordinary shares of CLH, which represent 4.15% of all the outstanding ordinary shares of CLH and 88.40% of the maximum number of shares that were available to be acquired by CEMEX España through the tender offer, for an aggregate amount of COP$110,007,999,310 (aprox. USD$ 23,159,579).

One of the main challenges was that both CEMEX España and CLH are companies incorporated in Spain and are subject to the Spanish corporate regulation, but CLH, as a publicly traded company in the Colombian stock exchange was also subject to the Colombian securities exchange regulation, and that required an effort to align the requirements of the delisting tender offer with the Spanish corporate regulation.




José Luis Suárez Parra (Partner)

Juan David Quintero Sánchez (Partner)

Daniel Flórez Linero (Senior Associate)




Practice Groups:

Mergers & Acquisitions, Banking, Finance & Capital Markets



Real State and Contruction