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Patent proceedings for Mobility View

Patent proceedings for Mobility View Date: 2018   Advice to Mobility View Inc in proceedings before the Colombian Patent Office (both during formal and substantial stages) of a PCT patent application relating to methods for apportioning operations and associated costs...

Trademark defense for Valorem

Trademark defense for Valorem Date: 2018 Advice to Valorem on an opposition process regarding the registration in Colombia of VALOREM (word and device) trademark by a French company to identify services that are covered by our client´s investments. After filing the...

Innovation system for ISA

Innovation system for ISA Date: 2020 Advised Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P ISA on their Innovation System (Innovation Ecosystem) which encompassed setting the company’s intellectual property strategy and policy. Team: Mauricio Jaramillo Campuzano (Partner)....