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Resolution project is issued to regulate the life areas

June 28th/2024. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development ("MADS" as per its acronym in Spanish) has issued the resolution project (the "Project") aimed to regulate Law 2173 of 2021, which promotes ecological restoration through tree planting and forest...

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New cosmetic labeling requirements coming into force soon

May 29th/2024. At the Andean region, the harmonization of cosmetic labeling has been evolving, bringing with it new requirements that become day-to-day changes and challenges for manufacturers, importers and those responsible for the marketing of cosmetic products....

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URF Regulatory Agenda 2023-2024

October 3rd/2023. On August 29th, the Financial Regulation Unit (URF) published an updated version of the Regulatory Agenda 2023-2024. This version, like the original, is divided into four main areas: financial inclusion, financing mechanisms, prudential standards,...

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Draft Decree – IFRS 17 Convergence (URF)

October 3rd/2023. On August 29, 2023, the URF published a draft of decree that aims to adapt the regulatory order related to insurance for the application of the accounting standard IFRS 17 "insurance contracts" accounting standard, which establishes the principles...

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