Decree 420 of 18th March 2020 

Through Decree 420 of 18th March 2020, the Ministry of the Interior set the instructions that must be considered by mayors and governors during the health emergency taking place in Colombia as a result of Covid-19. Article 4 of the Decree establishes exceptions that must be applied for any public order measure that restricts the right of movement, such as curfews and drills, stating that “… in no case may the following restrictions be contemplated”:

  1. To restrain the service of ground transportation from town to town for passengers (intermunicipal), cargo and special means, since these modalities are authorized by national authorities and they correspond to the provision of an essential public utility.
  2. To establish transit restrictions on national roads since such infrastructure is not within their jurisdiction or competence.
  3. In the event of suspension of activities in stores and business premises, such suspension will not include those stores and business premises of food, beverages and basic necessities retailers, pharmaceuticals, medical products, optical products, orthopedic products, hygiene and toilet products, and food and medicines for pets.
  4. In the event of closure to the public of gastronomic stores and premises, such closure will not be extended to the offering of their products through e-commerce platforms and/or by delivery, nor to restaurants located within hotel facilities, which may only provide service to their guests.
  5. To limit, restrict or impede the functioning of critical and strategic infrastructure for the Nation, departments, districts and municipalities.
  6. To restrict the operation of call centers, contact centers, technical support centers providing services in the national territory and e-commerce platforms.
  7. The provision of private surveillance and security services.
  8. To suspend technical and support services for essential public utilities and telecommunications.