Through Resolution 0918 of 2020, Migración Colombia has adopted the following prevention measures against the spread of COVID-19:

  1. Suspension of the validity terms of the immigration safe-conduct (SC-2)(in force as of March 19, 2020) until May 30, or until the term established by the National Government for the health emergency is met. The  immigration safe-conduct to which the suspension will be applied are the following:
  • For provisional or conditional release or order of the competent authority.
  • To resolve an administrative situation.
  • By discretion of the immigration authority regarding human and fundamental rights, which must be motivated through an administrative deed.
  • Foreigner born in Colombia.
  1. The immigration safe-conduct of permanence to request and/or change visa and recognition of refugee status are not subject to the measure, so its validity is not suspended.
  1. Visa registration and foreigner’s ID application: foreigners holding a visa with a validity of more than three months that due to the health and social emergency caused by COVID-19, have not requested their Foreigner’s ID before Migración Colombia, within 15 calendar days after entering the country, or the date of issuance of their visa, will have the opportunity to amend the procedures and the immigration authority could exonerate them from the penalties for breaching the term.
  1. Suspension of terms of validity of the extensions of permanence or Temporary Permits from March 19 to May 30, 2020, or until the term established by the National Government for the health emergency is met.
  1. Suspension of the time of permanence outside the Colombian territory for a term greater than ninety (90) calendar days, for the cancellation of the Special Permits of Permanence (PEP), from March 19 to May 30, 2020, or until the term established by the National Government for the health emergency is met.
  1. Suspension of the time of stay in the national territory to foreigners holding a Special Permit type Other Activities Permit (POA), for up to 30 calendar days for technical assistance activities, artistic presentations, and temporary transit, without exceeding 180 continuous or discontinuous calendar days of the foreigner’s stay in the country.
  1. In the case of the POA granted by Shore Pass to members of the maritime or river crew, the suspension of the term of permanence in the national territory will be from March 19 to May 30, 2020, or until the term established by the National Government for the health emergency is met.
  1. The Regional Directors will coordinate the access to the general public to the Migración Colombia facilities. Also, the immigration authorities will determine to serve the users outside their facilities as an extraordinary measure.