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Inversión en FDN por IFC y otros

Fecha: 2014 Asesores de International Finance Corporation (IFC) y Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe (antiguamente como Corporación Andina de Fomento CAF) en la adquisición del 28% (en el agregado) de la Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional S.A.. Equipo:...

Compra de operación minera en Nicaragua por Mineros

Fecha: 2013 Asesores de Mineros S.A., sociedad listada en la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia y dedicada principalmente a la exploración y explotación de oro, en la adquisición del 90% de las acciones de Hemco Nicaragua S.A., empresa dedicada a la exploración y...

Adquisición de Banco Colpatria por GE

Fecha: 2011 Asesores de Mercantil Colpatria y de GE Capital Corp. en la adquisición por GE Capital Corp. del 49,99% de Banco Colpatria por USD $228 millones. Equipo: Alejandro Linares Cantillo (Socio) Grupos de Práctica: Fusiones & Adquisiciones Industria:...

Adquisición de Cine Colombia por Valorem

Fecha: 2008 Asesoría a Valorem en la adquisición del 58.9% de las acciones de Cine Colombia. Equipo: Alejandro Linares Cantillo (Socio) Paula Samper Salazar (Socia) Grupos de Práctica: Fusiones & Adquisiciones Industria:...

Adquisición Casa Editorial El Tiempo por Grupo Planeta

Fecha: 2007 Asesoría a Grupo Planeta en la adquisición que la compañía realizó de Casa Editorial El Tiempo. Equipo: Alejandro Linares Cantillo (Socio) Paula Samper Salazar (Socia) Grupos de Práctica: Fusiones & Adquisiciones Industria:...

In view of the declaration of a COVID-19 Pandemic and the risk of contagion at a national level, the National Hydrocarbons Agency (“ANH”) issued Resolution 152 of 18th March 2020, which sets forth the suspension of terms in all administrative proceedings, compliance procedures and disciplinary processes carried out by the ANH until 31st March 2020.

Likewise, attention to the public in person was suspended, while the digital and telephone mechanisms available on the website of the entity have been established as the only channels for attention to citizens.

With the same aim, the National Environmental Licensing Authority (“ANLA”) issued Resolution 461 of 18th March 2020, by which it suspended the terms in both the first and second instance disciplinary proceedings carried out by the authority until 31st March 2020, a term that may be extended. Additionally, by means of Resolution 470 of 19th March 2020, ANLA suspended the provision of in-person services and the procedural terms associated with them until 31st March.

On the other hand, by means of Resolution 690 of 17th March 2020, the environmental authority of Cundinamarca (“CAR”) announced the suspension of the terms of the environmental sanctioning processes, the environmental licensing and permitting, the disciplinary actions and the coercive jurisdiction processes that are being carried out before the CAR, until 31st March. The above-mentioned suspension of terms does not apply to the petitions whose terms of response are running during the suspension.

In turn, other Regional Autonomous Corporations have taken the following measures:

  1. Corporación Autónoma Regional del Centro de Antioquia (“Corantioquia”):

It suspended in-person attention from 2:00pm on 17th March until further notice. Attention to the public will be provided through the following channels:


Telephone: 3146784273

  1. Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (“CVC”):

Since 16th March 2020, it has taken the following measures:

  • Suspension of attention to the public in person until further notice. The virtual and telephone attention channels are enabled for information regarding procedures that are being held there.
  • Massive events at the CVC are postponed.
  • The deadlines for the administrative procedures are being moved.
  1. Corporación Autónoma Regional de las Cuencas de los Ríos Negro y Nare (“Cornare”)

Even though attendance at the Corporation’s headquarters will continue, as from this week the use of digital mechanisms put into operation is being encouraged, namely:

